- BeginBlendMode
void BeginBlendMode(int mode)
Begin blending mode (alpha, additive, multiplied, subtract, custom)
- BeginDrawing
void BeginDrawing()
Setup canvas (framebuffer) to start drawing
- BeginMode2D
void BeginMode2D(Camera2D camera)
Begin 2D mode with custom camera (2D)
- BeginMode3D
void BeginMode3D(Camera3D camera)
Begin 3D mode with custom camera (3D)
- BeginScissorMode
void BeginScissorMode(int x, int y, int width, int height)
Begin scissor mode (define screen area for following drawing)
- BeginShaderMode
void BeginShaderMode(Shader shader)
Begin custom shader drawing
- BeginTextureMode
void BeginTextureMode(RenderTexture2D target)
Begin drawing to render texture
- BeginVrStereoMode
void BeginVrStereoMode(VrStereoConfig config)
Begin stereo rendering (requires VR simulator)
- ChangeDirectory
bool ChangeDirectory(const(char)* dir)
Change working directory, return true on success
- CheckCollisionBoxSphere
bool CheckCollisionBoxSphere(BoundingBox box, Vector3 center, float radius)
Check collision between box and sphere
- CheckCollisionBoxes
bool CheckCollisionBoxes(BoundingBox box1, BoundingBox box2)
Check collision between two bounding boxes
- CheckCollisionCircleRec
bool CheckCollisionCircleRec(Vector2 center, float radius, Rectangle rec)
Check collision between circle and rectangle
- CheckCollisionCircles
bool CheckCollisionCircles(Vector2 center1, float radius1, Vector2 center2, float radius2)
Check collision between two circles
- CheckCollisionLines
bool CheckCollisionLines(Vector2 startPos1, Vector2 endPos1, Vector2 startPos2, Vector2 endPos2, Vector2* collisionPoint)
Check the collision between two lines defined by two points each, returns collision point by reference
- CheckCollisionPointCircle
bool CheckCollisionPointCircle(Vector2 point, Vector2 center, float radius)
Check if point is inside circle
- CheckCollisionPointLine
bool CheckCollisionPointLine(Vector2 point, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, int threshold)
Check if point belongs to line created between two points p1 and p2 with defined margin in pixels threshold
- CheckCollisionPointRec
bool CheckCollisionPointRec(Vector2 point, Rectangle rec)
Check if point is inside rectangle
- CheckCollisionPointTriangle
bool CheckCollisionPointTriangle(Vector2 point, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, Vector2 p3)
Check if point is inside a triangle
- CheckCollisionRecs
bool CheckCollisionRecs(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2)
Check collision between two rectangles
- CheckCollisionSpheres
bool CheckCollisionSpheres(Vector3 center1, float radius1, Vector3 center2, float radius2)
Check collision between two spheres
- ClearBackground
void ClearBackground(Color color)
Set background color (framebuffer clear color)
- ClearDirectoryFiles
void ClearDirectoryFiles()
Clear directory files paths buffers (free memory)
- ClearDroppedFiles
void ClearDroppedFiles()
Clear dropped files paths buffer (free memory)
- ClearWindowState
void ClearWindowState(uint flags)
Clear window configuration state flags
- CloseAudioDevice
void CloseAudioDevice()
Close the audio device and context
- CloseWindow
void CloseWindow()
Close window and unload OpenGL context
- CodepointToUTF8
const(char)* CodepointToUTF8(int codepoint, int* byteSize)
Encode one codepoint into UTF-8 byte array (array length returned as parameter)
- ColorAlpha
Color ColorAlpha(Color color, float alpha)
Get color with alpha applied, alpha goes from 0.0f to 1.0f
- ColorAlphaBlend
Color ColorAlphaBlend(Color dst, Color src, Color tint)
Get src alpha-blended into dst color with tint
- ColorFromHSV
Color ColorFromHSV(float hue, float saturation, float value)
Get a Color from HSV values, hue [0..360], saturation/value [0..1]
- ColorFromNormalized
Color ColorFromNormalized(Vector4 normalized)
Get Color from normalized values [0..1]
- ColorNormalize
Vector4 ColorNormalize(Color color)
Get Color normalized as float [0..1]
- ColorToHSV
Vector3 ColorToHSV(Color color)
Get HSV values for a Color, hue [0..360], saturation/value [0..1]
- ColorToInt
int ColorToInt(Color color)
Get hexadecimal value for a Color
- CompressData
ubyte* CompressData(ubyte* data, int dataLength, int* compDataLength)
Compress data (DEFLATE algorithm)
- DecodeDataBase64
ubyte* DecodeDataBase64(ubyte* data, int* outputLength)
Decode Base64 string data
- DecompressData
ubyte* DecompressData(ubyte* compData, int compDataLength, int* dataLength)
Decompress data (DEFLATE algorithm)
- DirectoryExists
bool DirectoryExists(const(char)* dirPath)
Check if a directory path exists
- DisableCursor
void DisableCursor()
Disables cursor (lock cursor)
- DrawBillboard
void DrawBillboard(Camera camera, Texture2D texture, Vector3 position, float size, Color tint)
- DrawBillboardPro
void DrawBillboardPro(Camera camera, Texture2D texture, Rectangle source, Vector3 position, Vector3 up, Vector2 size, Vector2 origin, float rotation, Color tint)
Draw a billboard texture defined by source and rotation
- DrawBillboardRec
void DrawBillboardRec(Camera camera, Texture2D texture, Rectangle source, Vector3 position, Vector2 size, Color tint)
Draw a billboard texture defined by source
- DrawBoundingBox
void DrawBoundingBox(BoundingBox box, Color color)
Draw bounding box (wires)
- DrawCircle
void DrawCircle(int centerX, int centerY, float radius, Color color)
Draw a color-filled circle
- DrawCircle3D
void DrawCircle3D(Vector3 center, float radius, Vector3 rotationAxis, float rotationAngle, Color color)
Draw a circle in 3D world space
- DrawCircleGradient
void DrawCircleGradient(int centerX, int centerY, float radius, Color color1, Color color2)
Draw a gradient-filled circle
- DrawCircleLines
void DrawCircleLines(int centerX, int centerY, float radius, Color color)
- DrawCircleSector
void DrawCircleSector(Vector2 center, float radius, float startAngle, float endAngle, int segments, Color color)
- DrawCircleSectorLines
void DrawCircleSectorLines(Vector2 center, float radius, float startAngle, float endAngle, int segments, Color color)
Draw circle sector outline
- DrawCircleV
void DrawCircleV(Vector2 center, float radius, Color color)
Draw a color-filled circle (Vector version)
- DrawCube
void DrawCube(Vector3 position, float width, float height, float length, Color color)
- DrawCubeTexture
void DrawCubeTexture(Texture2D texture, Vector3 position, float width, float height, float length, Color color)
- DrawCubeTextureRec
void DrawCubeTextureRec(Texture2D texture, Rectangle source, Vector3 position, float width, float height, float length, Color color)
Draw cube with a region of a texture
- DrawCubeV
void DrawCubeV(Vector3 position, Vector3 size, Color color)
Draw cube (Vector version)
- DrawCubeWires
void DrawCubeWires(Vector3 position, float width, float height, float length, Color color)
- DrawCubeWiresV
void DrawCubeWiresV(Vector3 position, Vector3 size, Color color)
Draw cube wires (Vector version)
- DrawCylinder
void DrawCylinder(Vector3 position, float radiusTop, float radiusBottom, float height, int slices, Color color)
- DrawCylinderEx
void DrawCylinderEx(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos, float startRadius, float endRadius, int sides, Color color)
Draw a cylinder with base at startPos and top at endPos
- DrawCylinderWires
void DrawCylinderWires(Vector3 position, float radiusTop, float radiusBottom, float height, int slices, Color color)
Draw a cylinder/cone wires
- DrawCylinderWiresEx
void DrawCylinderWiresEx(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos, float startRadius, float endRadius, int sides, Color color)
Draw a cylinder wires with base at startPos and top at endPos
- DrawEllipse
void DrawEllipse(int centerX, int centerY, float radiusH, float radiusV, Color color)
- DrawEllipseLines
void DrawEllipseLines(int centerX, int centerY, float radiusH, float radiusV, Color color)
- DrawFPS
void DrawFPS(int posX, int posY)
- DrawGrid
void DrawGrid(int slices, float spacing)
Draw a grid (centered at (0, 0, 0))
- DrawLine
void DrawLine(int startPosX, int startPosY, int endPosX, int endPosY, Color color)
- DrawLine3D
void DrawLine3D(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos, Color color)
Draw a line in 3D world space
- DrawLineBezier
void DrawLineBezier(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, float thick, Color color)
Draw a line using cubic-bezier curves in-out
- DrawLineBezierCubic
void DrawLineBezierCubic(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, Vector2 startControlPos, Vector2 endControlPos, float thick, Color color)
Draw line using cubic bezier curves with 2 control points
- DrawLineBezierQuad
void DrawLineBezierQuad(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, Vector2 controlPos, float thick, Color color)
Draw line using quadratic bezier curves with a control point
- DrawLineEx
void DrawLineEx(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, float thick, Color color)
Draw a line defining thickness
- DrawLineStrip
void DrawLineStrip(Vector2* points, int pointCount, Color color)
- DrawLineV
void DrawLineV(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, Color color)
Draw a line (Vector version)
- DrawMesh
void DrawMesh(Mesh mesh, Material material, Matrix transform)
Draw a 3d mesh with material and transform
- DrawMeshInstanced
void DrawMeshInstanced(Mesh mesh, Material material, Matrix* transforms, int instances)
Draw multiple mesh instances with material and different transforms
- DrawModel
void DrawModel(Model model, Vector3 position, float scale, Color tint)
Draw a model (with texture if set)
- DrawModelEx
void DrawModelEx(Model model, Vector3 position, Vector3 rotationAxis, float rotationAngle, Vector3 scale, Color tint)
Draw a model with extended parameters
- DrawModelWires
void DrawModelWires(Model model, Vector3 position, float scale, Color tint)
Draw a model wires (with texture if set)
- DrawModelWiresEx
void DrawModelWiresEx(Model model, Vector3 position, Vector3 rotationAxis, float rotationAngle, Vector3 scale, Color tint)
Draw a model wires (with texture if set) with extended parameters
- DrawPixel
void DrawPixel(int posX, int posY, Color color)
- DrawPixelV
void DrawPixelV(Vector2 position, Color color)
Draw a pixel (Vector version)
- DrawPlane
void DrawPlane(Vector3 centerPos, Vector2 size, Color color)
- DrawPoint3D
void DrawPoint3D(Vector3 position, Color color)
Draw a point in 3D space, actually a small line
- DrawPoly
void DrawPoly(Vector2 center, int sides, float radius, float rotation, Color color)
Draw a regular polygon (Vector version)
- DrawPolyLines
void DrawPolyLines(Vector2 center, int sides, float radius, float rotation, Color color)
Draw a polygon outline of n sides
- DrawPolyLinesEx
void DrawPolyLinesEx(Vector2 center, int sides, float radius, float rotation, float lineThick, Color color)
Draw a polygon outline of n sides with extended parameters
- DrawRay
void DrawRay(Ray ray, Color color)
- DrawRectangle
void DrawRectangle(int posX, int posY, int width, int height, Color color)
Draw a color-filled rectangle
- DrawRectangleGradientEx
void DrawRectangleGradientEx(Rectangle rec, Color col1, Color col2, Color col3, Color col4)
Draw a gradient-filled rectangle with custom vertex colors
- DrawRectangleGradientH
void DrawRectangleGradientH(int posX, int posY, int width, int height, Color color1, Color color2)
Draw a horizontal-gradient-filled rectangle
- DrawRectangleGradientV
void DrawRectangleGradientV(int posX, int posY, int width, int height, Color color1, Color color2)
Draw a vertical-gradient-filled rectangle
- DrawRectangleLines
void DrawRectangleLines(int posX, int posY, int width, int height, Color color)
- DrawRectangleLinesEx
void DrawRectangleLinesEx(Rectangle rec, float lineThick, Color color)
Draw rectangle outline with extended parameters
- DrawRectanglePro
void DrawRectanglePro(Rectangle rec, Vector2 origin, float rotation, Color color)
Draw a color-filled rectangle with pro parameters
- DrawRectangleRec
void DrawRectangleRec(Rectangle rec, Color color)
Draw a color-filled rectangle
- DrawRectangleRounded
void DrawRectangleRounded(Rectangle rec, float roundness, int segments, Color color)
Draw rectangle with rounded edges
- DrawRectangleRoundedLines
void DrawRectangleRoundedLines(Rectangle rec, float roundness, int segments, float lineThick, Color color)
Draw rectangle with rounded edges outline
- DrawRectangleV
void DrawRectangleV(Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Color color)
Draw a color-filled rectangle (Vector version)
- DrawRing
void DrawRing(Vector2 center, float innerRadius, float outerRadius, float startAngle, float endAngle, int segments, Color color)
- DrawRingLines
void DrawRingLines(Vector2 center, float innerRadius, float outerRadius, float startAngle, float endAngle, int segments, Color color)
- DrawSphere
void DrawSphere(Vector3 centerPos, float radius, Color color)
- DrawSphereEx
void DrawSphereEx(Vector3 centerPos, float radius, int rings, int slices, Color color)
Draw sphere with extended parameters
- DrawSphereWires
void DrawSphereWires(Vector3 centerPos, float radius, int rings, int slices, Color color)
- DrawText
void DrawText(const(char)* text, int posX, int posY, int fontSize, Color color)
Draw text (using default font)
- DrawTextCodepoint
void DrawTextCodepoint(Font font, int codepoint, Vector2 position, float fontSize, Color tint)
Draw one character (codepoint)
- DrawTextEx
void DrawTextEx(Font font, const(char)* text, Vector2 position, float fontSize, float spacing, Color tint)
Draw text using font and additional parameters
- DrawTextPro
void DrawTextPro(Font font, const(char)* text, Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, float rotation, float fontSize, float spacing, Color tint)
Draw text using Font and pro parameters (rotation)
- DrawTexture
void DrawTexture(Texture2D texture, int posX, int posY, Color tint)
- DrawTextureEx
void DrawTextureEx(Texture2D texture, Vector2 position, float rotation, float scale, Color tint)
Draw a Texture2D with extended parameters
- DrawTextureNPatch
void DrawTextureNPatch(Texture2D texture, NPatchInfo nPatchInfo, Rectangle dest, Vector2 origin, float rotation, Color tint)
Draws a texture (or part of it) that stretches or shrinks nicely
- DrawTexturePoly
void DrawTexturePoly(Texture2D texture, Vector2 center, Vector2* points, Vector2* texcoords, int pointCount, Color tint)
- DrawTexturePro
void DrawTexturePro(Texture2D texture, Rectangle source, Rectangle dest, Vector2 origin, float rotation, Color tint)
Draw a part of a texture defined by a rectangle with 'pro' parameters
- DrawTextureQuad
void DrawTextureQuad(Texture2D texture, Vector2 tiling, Vector2 offset, Rectangle quad, Color tint)
Draw texture quad with tiling and offset parameters
- DrawTextureRec
void DrawTextureRec(Texture2D texture, Rectangle source, Vector2 position, Color tint)
Draw a part of a texture defined by a rectangle
- DrawTextureTiled
void DrawTextureTiled(Texture2D texture, Rectangle source, Rectangle dest, Vector2 origin, float rotation, float scale, Color tint)
Draw part of a texture (defined by a rectangle) with rotation and scale tiled into dest.
- DrawTextureV
void DrawTextureV(Texture2D texture, Vector2 position, Color tint)
Draw a Texture2D with position defined as Vector2
- DrawTriangle
void DrawTriangle(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2, Vector2 v3, Color color)
Draw a color-filled triangle (vertex in counter-clockwise order!)
- DrawTriangle3D
void DrawTriangle3D(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 v3, Color color)
Draw a color-filled triangle (vertex in counter-clockwise order!)
- DrawTriangleFan
void DrawTriangleFan(Vector2* points, int pointCount, Color color)
Draw a triangle fan defined by points (first vertex is the center)
- DrawTriangleLines
void DrawTriangleLines(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2, Vector2 v3, Color color)
Draw triangle outline (vertex in counter-clockwise order!)
- DrawTriangleStrip
void DrawTriangleStrip(Vector2* points, int pointCount, Color color)
Draw a triangle strip defined by points
- DrawTriangleStrip3D
void DrawTriangleStrip3D(Vector3* points, int pointCount, Color color)
Draw a triangle strip defined by points
- EnableCursor
void EnableCursor()
Enables cursor (unlock cursor)
- EncodeDataBase64
char* EncodeDataBase64(const(ubyte)* data, int dataLength, int* outputLength)
Encode data to Base64 string
- EndBlendMode
void EndBlendMode()
End blending mode (reset to default: alpha blending)
- EndDrawing
void EndDrawing()
End canvas drawing and swap buffers (double buffering)
- EndMode2D
void EndMode2D()
Ends 2D mode with custom camera
- EndMode3D
void EndMode3D()
Ends 3D mode and returns to default 2D orthographic mode
- EndScissorMode
void EndScissorMode()
- EndShaderMode
void EndShaderMode()
End custom shader drawing (use default shader)
- EndTextureMode
void EndTextureMode()
Ends drawing to render texture
- EndVrStereoMode
void EndVrStereoMode()
End stereo rendering (requires VR simulator)
- ExportImage
bool ExportImage(Image image, const(char)* fileName)
Export image data to file, returns true on success
- ExportImageAsCode
bool ExportImageAsCode(Image image, const(char)* fileName)
Export image as code file defining an array of bytes, returns true on success
- ExportMesh
bool ExportMesh(Mesh mesh, const(char)* fileName)
Export mesh data to file, returns true on success
- ExportWave
bool ExportWave(Wave wave, const(char)* fileName)
Export wave data to file, returns true on success
- ExportWaveAsCode
bool ExportWaveAsCode(Wave wave, const(char)* fileName)
Export wave sample data to code (.h), returns true on success
- Fade
Color Fade(Color color, float alpha)
Get color with alpha applied, alpha goes from 0.0f to 1.0f
- FileExists
bool FileExists(const(char)* fileName)
- GenImageCellular
Image GenImageCellular(int width, int height, int tileSize)
Generate image: cellular algorithm, bigger tileSize means bigger cells
- GenImageChecked
Image GenImageChecked(int width, int height, int checksX, int checksY, Color col1, Color col2)
- GenImageColor
Image GenImageColor(int width, int height, Color color)
Generate image: plain color
- GenImageFontAtlas
Image GenImageFontAtlas(GlyphInfo* chars, Rectangle** recs, int glyphCount, int fontSize, int padding, int packMethod)
Generate image font atlas using chars info
- GenImageGradientH
Image GenImageGradientH(int width, int height, Color left, Color right)
Generate image: horizontal gradient
- GenImageGradientRadial
Image GenImageGradientRadial(int width, int height, float density, Color inner, Color outer)
Generate image: radial gradient
- GenImageGradientV
Image GenImageGradientV(int width, int height, Color top, Color bottom)
Generate image: vertical gradient
- GenImageWhiteNoise
Image GenImageWhiteNoise(int width, int height, float factor)
Generate image: white noise
- GenMeshBinormals
void GenMeshBinormals(Mesh* mesh)
- GenMeshCone
Mesh GenMeshCone(float radius, float height, int slices)
Generate cone/pyramid mesh
- GenMeshCube
Mesh GenMeshCube(float width, float height, float length)
- GenMeshCubicmap
Mesh GenMeshCubicmap(Image cubicmap, Vector3 cubeSize)
Generate cubes-based map mesh from image data
- GenMeshCylinder
Mesh GenMeshCylinder(float radius, float height, int slices)
- GenMeshHeightmap
Mesh GenMeshHeightmap(Image heightmap, Vector3 size)
Generate heightmap mesh from image data
- GenMeshHemiSphere
Mesh GenMeshHemiSphere(float radius, int rings, int slices)
Generate half-sphere mesh (no bottom cap)
- GenMeshKnot
Mesh GenMeshKnot(float radius, float size, int radSeg, int sides)
Generate trefoil knot mesh
- GenMeshPlane
Mesh GenMeshPlane(float width, float length, int resX, int resZ)
Generate plane mesh (with subdivisions)
- GenMeshPoly
Mesh GenMeshPoly(int sides, float radius)
- GenMeshSphere
Mesh GenMeshSphere(float radius, int rings, int slices)
Generate sphere mesh (standard sphere)
- GenMeshTangents
void GenMeshTangents(Mesh* mesh)
- GenMeshTorus
Mesh GenMeshTorus(float radius, float size, int radSeg, int sides)
- GenTextureMipmaps
void GenTextureMipmaps(Texture2D* texture)
Generate GPU mipmaps for a texture
- GetCameraMatrix
Matrix GetCameraMatrix(Camera camera)
Get camera transform matrix (view matrix)
- GetCameraMatrix2D
Matrix GetCameraMatrix2D(Camera2D camera)
Get camera 2d transform matrix
- GetCharPressed
int GetCharPressed()
Get char pressed (unicode), call it multiple times for chars queued, returns 0 when the queue is empty
- GetClipboardText
const(char)* GetClipboardText()
Get clipboard text content
- GetCodepoint
int GetCodepoint(const(char)* text, int* bytesProcessed)
Get next codepoint in a UTF-8 encoded string, 0x3f('?') is returned on failure
- GetCodepointCount
int GetCodepointCount(const(char)* text)
Get total number of codepoints in a UTF-8 encoded string
- GetCollisionRec
Rectangle GetCollisionRec(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2)
Get collision rectangle for two rectangles collision
- GetColor
Color GetColor(uint hexValue)
Get Color structure from hexadecimal value
- GetCurrentMonitor
int GetCurrentMonitor()
Get current connected monitor
- GetDirectoryFiles
char** GetDirectoryFiles(const(char)* dirPath, int* count)
Get filenames in a directory path (memory should be freed)
- GetDirectoryPath
const(char)* GetDirectoryPath(const(char)* filePath)
Get full path for a given fileName with path (uses static string)
- GetDroppedFiles
char** GetDroppedFiles(int* count)
Get dropped files names (memory should be freed)
- GetFPS
int GetFPS()
- GetFileExtension
const(char)* GetFileExtension(const(char)* fileName)
Get pointer to extension for a filename string (includes dot: '.png')
- GetFileModTime
long GetFileModTime(const(char)* fileName)
Get file modification time (last write time)
- GetFileName
const(char)* GetFileName(const(char)* filePath)
Get pointer to filename for a path string
- GetFileNameWithoutExt
const(char)* GetFileNameWithoutExt(const(char)* filePath)
Get filename string without extension (uses static string)
- GetFontDefault
Font GetFontDefault()
- GetFrameTime
float GetFrameTime()
Get time in seconds for last frame drawn (delta time)
- GetGamepadAxisCount
int GetGamepadAxisCount(int gamepad)
Get gamepad axis count for a gamepad
- GetGamepadAxisMovement
float GetGamepadAxisMovement(int gamepad, int axis)
Get axis movement value for a gamepad axis
- GetGamepadButtonPressed
int GetGamepadButtonPressed()
Get the last gamepad button pressed
- GetGamepadName
const(char)* GetGamepadName(int gamepad)
Get gamepad internal name id
- GetGestureDetected
int GetGestureDetected()
Get latest detected gesture
- GetGestureDragAngle
float GetGestureDragAngle()
- GetGestureDragVector
Vector2 GetGestureDragVector()
- GetGestureHoldDuration
float GetGestureHoldDuration()
Get gesture hold time in milliseconds
- GetGesturePinchAngle
float GetGesturePinchAngle()
- GetGesturePinchVector
Vector2 GetGesturePinchVector()
- GetGlyphAtlasRec
Rectangle GetGlyphAtlasRec(Font font, int codepoint)
Get glyph rectangle in font atlas for a codepoint (unicode character), fallback to '?' if not found
- GetGlyphIndex
int GetGlyphIndex(Font font, int codepoint)
Get glyph index position in font for a codepoint (unicode character), fallback to '?' if not found
- GetGlyphInfo
GlyphInfo GetGlyphInfo(Font font, int codepoint)
Get glyph font info data for a codepoint (unicode character), fallback to '?' if not found
- GetImageAlphaBorder
Rectangle GetImageAlphaBorder(Image image, float threshold)
Get image alpha border rectangle
- GetImageColor
Color GetImageColor(Image image, int x, int y)
Get image pixel color at (x, y) position
- GetKeyPressed
int GetKeyPressed()
Get key pressed (keycode), call it multiple times for keys queued, returns 0 when the queue is empty
- GetMeshBoundingBox
BoundingBox GetMeshBoundingBox(Mesh mesh)
Compute mesh bounding box limits
- GetModelBoundingBox
BoundingBox GetModelBoundingBox(Model model)
Compute model bounding box limits (considers all meshes)
- GetMonitorCount
int GetMonitorCount()
Get number of connected monitors
- GetMonitorHeight
int GetMonitorHeight(int monitor)
Get specified monitor height (max available by monitor)
- GetMonitorName
const(char)* GetMonitorName(int monitor)
Get the human-readable, UTF-8 encoded name of the primary monitor
- GetMonitorPhysicalHeight
int GetMonitorPhysicalHeight(int monitor)
Get specified monitor physical height in millimetres
- GetMonitorPhysicalWidth
int GetMonitorPhysicalWidth(int monitor)
Get specified monitor physical width in millimetres
- GetMonitorPosition
Vector2 GetMonitorPosition(int monitor)
Get specified monitor position
- GetMonitorRefreshRate
int GetMonitorRefreshRate(int monitor)
Get specified monitor refresh rate
- GetMonitorWidth
int GetMonitorWidth(int monitor)
Get specified monitor width (max available by monitor)
- GetMouseDelta
Vector2 GetMouseDelta()
Get mouse delta between frames
- GetMousePosition
Vector2 GetMousePosition()
- GetMouseRay
Ray GetMouseRay(Vector2 mousePosition, Camera camera)
Get a ray trace from mouse position
- GetMouseWheelMove
float GetMouseWheelMove()
Get mouse wheel movement Y
- GetMouseX
int GetMouseX()
- GetMouseY
int GetMouseY()
- GetMusicTimeLength
float GetMusicTimeLength(Music music)
Get music time length (in seconds)
- GetMusicTimePlayed
float GetMusicTimePlayed(Music music)
Get current music time played (in seconds)
- GetPixelColor
Color GetPixelColor(void* srcPtr, int format)
Get Color from a source pixel pointer of certain format
- GetPixelDataSize
int GetPixelDataSize(int width, int height, int format)
Get pixel data size in bytes for certain format
- GetPrevDirectoryPath
const(char)* GetPrevDirectoryPath(const(char)* dirPath)
Get previous directory path for a given path (uses static string)
- GetRandomValue
int GetRandomValue(int min, int max)
Get a random value between min and max (both included)
- GetRayCollisionBox
RayCollision GetRayCollisionBox(Ray ray, BoundingBox box)
Get collision info between ray and box
- GetRayCollisionMesh
RayCollision GetRayCollisionMesh(Ray ray, Mesh mesh, Matrix transform)
Get collision info between ray and mesh
- GetRayCollisionModel
RayCollision GetRayCollisionModel(Ray ray, Model model)
Get collision info between ray and model
- GetRayCollisionQuad
RayCollision GetRayCollisionQuad(Ray ray, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, Vector3 p4)
Get collision info between ray and quad
- GetRayCollisionSphere
RayCollision GetRayCollisionSphere(Ray ray, Vector3 center, float radius)
Get collision info between ray and sphere
- GetRayCollisionTriangle
RayCollision GetRayCollisionTriangle(Ray ray, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3)
Get collision info between ray and triangle
- GetScreenHeight
int GetScreenHeight()
Get current screen height
- GetScreenToWorld2D
Vector2 GetScreenToWorld2D(Vector2 position, Camera2D camera)
Get the world space position for a 2d camera screen space position
- GetScreenWidth
int GetScreenWidth()
- GetShaderLocation
int GetShaderLocation(Shader shader, const(char)* uniformName)
Get shader uniform location
- GetShaderLocationAttrib
int GetShaderLocationAttrib(Shader shader, const(char)* attribName)
Get shader attribute location
- GetSoundsPlaying
int GetSoundsPlaying()
Get number of sounds playing in the multichannel
- GetTime
double GetTime()
Get elapsed time in seconds since InitWindow()
- GetTouchPointCount
int GetTouchPointCount()
Get number of touch points
- GetTouchPointId
int GetTouchPointId(int index)
Get touch point identifier for given index
- GetTouchPosition
Vector2 GetTouchPosition(int index)
Get touch position XY for a touch point index (relative to screen size)
- GetTouchX
int GetTouchX()
Get touch position X for touch point 0 (relative to screen size)
- GetTouchY
int GetTouchY()
Get touch position Y for touch point 0 (relative to screen size)
- GetWindowHandle
void* GetWindowHandle()
- GetWindowPosition
Vector2 GetWindowPosition()
Get window position XY on monitor
- GetWindowScaleDPI
Vector2 GetWindowScaleDPI()
Get window scale DPI factor
- GetWorkingDirectory
const(char)* GetWorkingDirectory()
Get current working directory (uses static string)
- GetWorldToScreen
Vector2 GetWorldToScreen(Vector3 position, Camera camera)
Get the screen space position for a 3d world space position
- GetWorldToScreen2D
Vector2 GetWorldToScreen2D(Vector2 position, Camera2D camera)
Get the screen space position for a 2d camera world space position
- GetWorldToScreenEx
Vector2 GetWorldToScreenEx(Vector3 position, Camera camera, int width, int height)
Get size position for a 3d world space position
- HideCursor
void HideCursor()
- ImageAlphaClear
void ImageAlphaClear(Image* image, Color color, float threshold)
Clear alpha channel to desired color
- ImageAlphaCrop
void ImageAlphaCrop(Image* image, float threshold)
Crop image depending on alpha value
- ImageAlphaMask
void ImageAlphaMask(Image* image, Image alphaMask)
Apply alpha mask to image
- ImageAlphaPremultiply
void ImageAlphaPremultiply(Image* image)
Premultiply alpha channel
- ImageClearBackground
void ImageClearBackground(Image* dst, Color color)
Clear image background with given color
- ImageColorBrightness
void ImageColorBrightness(Image* image, int brightness)
Modify image color: brightness (-255 to 255)
- ImageColorContrast
void ImageColorContrast(Image* image, float contrast)
Modify image color: contrast (-100 to 100)
- ImageColorGrayscale
void ImageColorGrayscale(Image* image)
Modify image color: grayscale
- ImageColorInvert
void ImageColorInvert(Image* image)
Modify image color: invert
- ImageColorReplace
void ImageColorReplace(Image* image, Color color, Color replace)
Modify image color: replace color
- ImageColorTint
void ImageColorTint(Image* image, Color color)
- ImageCopy
Image ImageCopy(Image image)
Create an image duplicate (useful for transformations)
- ImageCrop
void ImageCrop(Image* image, Rectangle crop)
Crop an image to a defined rectangle
- ImageDither
void ImageDither(Image* image, int rBpp, int gBpp, int bBpp, int aBpp)
Dither image data to 16bpp or lower (Floyd-Steinberg dithering)
- ImageDraw
void ImageDraw(Image* dst, Image src, Rectangle srcRec, Rectangle dstRec, Color tint)
Draw a source image within a destination image (tint applied to source)
- ImageDrawCircle
void ImageDrawCircle(Image* dst, int centerX, int centerY, int radius, Color color)
Draw circle within an image
- ImageDrawCircleV
void ImageDrawCircleV(Image* dst, Vector2 center, int radius, Color color)
Draw circle within an image (Vector version)
- ImageDrawLine
void ImageDrawLine(Image* dst, int startPosX, int startPosY, int endPosX, int endPosY, Color color)
Draw line within an image
- ImageDrawLineV
void ImageDrawLineV(Image* dst, Vector2 start, Vector2 end, Color color)
Draw line within an image (Vector version)
- ImageDrawPixel
void ImageDrawPixel(Image* dst, int posX, int posY, Color color)
Draw pixel within an image
- ImageDrawPixelV
void ImageDrawPixelV(Image* dst, Vector2 position, Color color)
Draw pixel within an image (Vector version)
- ImageDrawRectangle
void ImageDrawRectangle(Image* dst, int posX, int posY, int width, int height, Color color)
Draw rectangle within an image
- ImageDrawRectangleLines
void ImageDrawRectangleLines(Image* dst, Rectangle rec, int thick, Color color)
Draw rectangle lines within an image
- ImageDrawRectangleRec
void ImageDrawRectangleRec(Image* dst, Rectangle rec, Color color)
Draw rectangle within an image
- ImageDrawRectangleV
void ImageDrawRectangleV(Image* dst, Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Color color)
Draw rectangle within an image (Vector version)
- ImageDrawText
void ImageDrawText(Image* dst, const(char)* text, int posX, int posY, int fontSize, Color color)
Draw text (using default font) within an image (destination)
- ImageDrawTextEx
void ImageDrawTextEx(Image* dst, Font font, const(char)* text, Vector2 position, float fontSize, float spacing, Color tint)
Draw text (custom sprite font) within an image (destination)
- ImageFlipHorizontal
void ImageFlipHorizontal(Image* image)
- ImageFlipVertical
void ImageFlipVertical(Image* image)
- ImageFormat
void ImageFormat(Image* image, int newFormat)
Convert image data to desired format
- ImageFromImage
Image ImageFromImage(Image image, Rectangle rec)
Create an image from another image piece
- ImageMipmaps
void ImageMipmaps(Image* image)
Compute all mipmap levels for a provided image
- ImageResize
void ImageResize(Image* image, int newWidth, int newHeight)
Resize image (Bicubic scaling algorithm)
- ImageResizeCanvas
void ImageResizeCanvas(Image* image, int newWidth, int newHeight, int offsetX, int offsetY, Color fill)
Resize canvas and fill with color
- ImageResizeNN
void ImageResizeNN(Image* image, int newWidth, int newHeight)
Resize image (Nearest-Neighbor scaling algorithm)
- ImageRotateCCW
void ImageRotateCCW(Image* image)
Rotate image counter-clockwise 90deg
- ImageRotateCW
void ImageRotateCW(Image* image)
Rotate image clockwise 90deg
- ImageText
Image ImageText(const(char)* text, int fontSize, Color color)
Create an image from text (default font)
- ImageTextEx
Image ImageTextEx(Font font, const(char)* text, float fontSize, float spacing, Color tint)
Create an image from text (custom sprite font)
- ImageToPOT
void ImageToPOT(Image* image, Color fill)
Convert image to POT (power-of-two)
- InitAudioDevice
void InitAudioDevice()
Initialize audio device and context
- InitWindow
void InitWindow(int width, int height, const(char)* title)
Initialize window and OpenGL context
- IsAudioDeviceReady
bool IsAudioDeviceReady()
Check if audio device has been initialized successfully
- IsAudioStreamPlaying
bool IsAudioStreamPlaying(AudioStream stream)
Check if audio stream is playing
- IsAudioStreamProcessed
bool IsAudioStreamProcessed(AudioStream stream)
Check if any audio stream buffers requires refill
- IsCursorHidden
bool IsCursorHidden()
Check if cursor is not visible
- IsCursorOnScreen
bool IsCursorOnScreen()
Check if cursor is on the screen
- IsFileDropped
bool IsFileDropped()
Check if a file has been dropped into window
- IsFileExtension
bool IsFileExtension(const(char)* fileName, const(char)* ext)
Check file extension (including point: .png, .wav)
- IsGamepadAvailable
bool IsGamepadAvailable(int gamepad)
Check if a gamepad is available
- IsGamepadButtonDown
bool IsGamepadButtonDown(int gamepad, int button)
Check if a gamepad button is being pressed
- IsGamepadButtonPressed
bool IsGamepadButtonPressed(int gamepad, int button)
Check if a gamepad button has been pressed once
- IsGamepadButtonReleased
bool IsGamepadButtonReleased(int gamepad, int button)
Check if a gamepad button has been released once
- IsGamepadButtonUp
bool IsGamepadButtonUp(int gamepad, int button)
Check if a gamepad button is NOT being pressed
- IsGestureDetected
bool IsGestureDetected(int gesture)
Check if a gesture have been detected
- IsKeyDown
bool IsKeyDown(int key)
Check if a key is being pressed
- IsKeyPressed
bool IsKeyPressed(int key)
Check if a key has been pressed once
- IsKeyReleased
bool IsKeyReleased(int key)
Check if a key has been released once
- IsKeyUp
bool IsKeyUp(int key)
Check if a key is NOT being pressed
- IsModelAnimationValid
bool IsModelAnimationValid(Model model, ModelAnimation anim)
Check model animation skeleton match
- IsMouseButtonDown
bool IsMouseButtonDown(int button)
Check if a mouse button is being pressed
- IsMouseButtonPressed
bool IsMouseButtonPressed(int button)
Check if a mouse button has been pressed once
- IsMouseButtonReleased
bool IsMouseButtonReleased(int button)
Check if a mouse button has been released once
- IsMouseButtonUp
bool IsMouseButtonUp(int button)
Check if a mouse button is NOT being pressed
- IsMusicStreamPlaying
bool IsMusicStreamPlaying(Music music)
Check if music is playing
- IsSoundPlaying
bool IsSoundPlaying(Sound sound)
Check if a sound is currently playing
- IsWindowFocused
bool IsWindowFocused()
Check if window is currently focused (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
- IsWindowFullscreen
bool IsWindowFullscreen()
Check if window is currently fullscreen
- IsWindowHidden
bool IsWindowHidden()
Check if window is currently hidden (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
- IsWindowMaximized
bool IsWindowMaximized()
Check if window is currently maximized (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
- IsWindowMinimized
bool IsWindowMinimized()
Check if window is currently minimized (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
- IsWindowReady
bool IsWindowReady()
Check if window has been initialized successfully
- IsWindowResized
bool IsWindowResized()
Check if window has been resized last frame
- IsWindowState
bool IsWindowState(uint flag)
Check if one specific window flag is enabled
- LoadAudioStream
AudioStream LoadAudioStream(uint sampleRate, uint sampleSize, uint channels)
Load audio stream (to stream raw audio pcm data)
- LoadCodepoints
int* LoadCodepoints(const(char)* text, int* count)
Load all codepoints from a UTF-8 text string, codepoints count returned by parameter
- LoadFileData
ubyte* LoadFileData(const(char)* fileName, uint* bytesRead)
Load file data as byte array (read)
- LoadFileText
char* LoadFileText(const(char)* fileName)
Load text data from file (read), returns a ' 0' terminated string
- LoadFont
Font LoadFont(const(char)* fileName)
Load font from file into GPU memory (VRAM)
- LoadFontData
GlyphInfo* LoadFontData(const(ubyte)* fileData, int dataSize, int fontSize, int* fontChars, int glyphCount, int type)
Load font data for further use
- LoadFontEx
Font LoadFontEx(const(char)* fileName, int fontSize, int* fontChars, int glyphCount)
Load font from file with extended parameters
- LoadFontFromImage
Font LoadFontFromImage(Image image, Color key, int firstChar)
Load font from Image (XNA style)
- LoadFontFromMemory
Font LoadFontFromMemory(const(char)* fileType, const(ubyte)* fileData, int dataSize, int fontSize, int* fontChars, int glyphCount)
Load font from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. '.ttf'
- LoadImage
Image LoadImage(const(char)* fileName)
Load image from file into CPU memory (RAM)
- LoadImageAnim
Image LoadImageAnim(const(char)* fileName, int* frames)
Load image sequence from file (frames appended to image.data)
- LoadImageColors
Color* LoadImageColors(Image image)
Load color data from image as a Color array (RGBA - 32bit)
- LoadImageFromMemory
Image LoadImageFromMemory(const(char)* fileType, const(ubyte)* fileData, int dataSize)
Load image from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. '.png'
- LoadImageFromScreen
Image LoadImageFromScreen()
Load image from screen buffer and (screenshot)
- LoadImageFromTexture
Image LoadImageFromTexture(Texture2D texture)
Load image from GPU texture data
- LoadImagePalette
Color* LoadImagePalette(Image image, int maxPaletteSize, int* colorCount)
Load colors palette from image as a Color array (RGBA - 32bit)
- LoadImageRaw
Image LoadImageRaw(const(char)* fileName, int width, int height, int format, int headerSize)
Load image from RAW file data
- LoadMaterialDefault
Material LoadMaterialDefault()
Load default material (Supports: DIFFUSE, SPECULAR, NORMAL maps)
- LoadMaterials
Material* LoadMaterials(const(char)* fileName, int* materialCount)
Load materials from model file
- LoadModel
Model LoadModel(const(char)* fileName)
Load model from files (meshes and materials)
- LoadModelAnimations
ModelAnimation* LoadModelAnimations(const(char)* fileName, uint* animCount)
Load model animations from file
- LoadModelFromMesh
Model LoadModelFromMesh(Mesh mesh)
Load model from generated mesh (default material)
- LoadMusicStream
Music LoadMusicStream(const(char)* fileName)
Load music stream from file
- LoadMusicStreamFromMemory
Music LoadMusicStreamFromMemory(const(char)* fileType, ubyte* data, int dataSize)
Load music stream from data
- LoadRenderTexture
RenderTexture2D LoadRenderTexture(int width, int height)
Load texture for rendering (framebuffer)
- LoadShader
Shader LoadShader(const(char)* vsFileName, const(char)* fsFileName)
Load shader from files and bind default locations
- LoadShaderFromMemory
Shader LoadShaderFromMemory(const(char)* vsCode, const(char)* fsCode)
Load shader from code strings and bind default locations
- LoadSound
Sound LoadSound(const(char)* fileName)
- LoadSoundFromWave
Sound LoadSoundFromWave(Wave wave)
Load sound from wave data
- LoadStorageValue
int LoadStorageValue(uint position)
Load integer value from storage file (from defined position)
- LoadTexture
Texture2D LoadTexture(const(char)* fileName)
Load texture from file into GPU memory (VRAM)
- LoadTextureCubemap
TextureCubemap LoadTextureCubemap(Image image, int layout)
Load cubemap from image, multiple image cubemap layouts supported
- LoadTextureFromImage
Texture2D LoadTextureFromImage(Image image)
Load texture from image data
- LoadVrStereoConfig
VrStereoConfig LoadVrStereoConfig(VrDeviceInfo device)
Load VR stereo config for VR simulator device parameters
- LoadWave
Wave LoadWave(const(char)* fileName)
- LoadWaveFromMemory
Wave LoadWaveFromMemory(const(char)* fileType, const(ubyte)* fileData, int dataSize)
Load wave from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. '.wav'
- LoadWaveSamples
float* LoadWaveSamples(Wave wave)
Load samples data from wave as a floats array
- MaximizeWindow
void MaximizeWindow()
Set window state: maximized, if resizable (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
- MeasureText
int MeasureText(const(char)* text, int fontSize)
Measure string width for default font
- MeasureTextEx
Vector2 MeasureTextEx(Font font, const(char)* text, float fontSize, float spacing)
Measure string size for Font
- MemAlloc
void* MemAlloc(int size)
Internal memory allocator
- MemFree
void MemFree(void* ptr)
- MemRealloc
void* MemRealloc(void* ptr, int size)
Internal memory reallocator
- MinimizeWindow
void MinimizeWindow()
Set window state: minimized, if resizable (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
- OpenURL
void OpenURL(const(char)* url)
Open URL with default system browser (if available)
- PauseAudioStream
void PauseAudioStream(AudioStream stream)
- PauseMusicStream
void PauseMusicStream(Music music)
- PauseSound
void PauseSound(Sound sound)
- PlayAudioStream
void PlayAudioStream(AudioStream stream)
- PlayMusicStream
void PlayMusicStream(Music music)
- PlaySound
void PlaySound(Sound sound)
- PlaySoundMulti
void PlaySoundMulti(Sound sound)
Play a sound (using multichannel buffer pool)
- PollInputEvents
void PollInputEvents()
Register all input events
- RestoreWindow
void RestoreWindow()
Set window state: not minimized/maximized (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
- ResumeAudioStream
void ResumeAudioStream(AudioStream stream)
- ResumeMusicStream
void ResumeMusicStream(Music music)
Resume playing paused music
- ResumeSound
void ResumeSound(Sound sound)
- SaveFileData
bool SaveFileData(const(char)* fileName, void* data, uint bytesToWrite)
Save data to file from byte array (write), returns true on success
- SaveFileText
bool SaveFileText(const(char)* fileName, char* text)
Save text data to file (write), string must be ' 0' terminated, returns true on success
- SaveStorageValue
bool SaveStorageValue(uint position, int value)
Save integer value to storage file (to defined position), returns true on success
- SeekMusicStream
void SeekMusicStream(Music music, float position)
Seek music to a position (in seconds)
- SetAudioStreamBufferSizeDefault
void SetAudioStreamBufferSizeDefault(int size)
Default size for new audio streams
- SetAudioStreamPitch
void SetAudioStreamPitch(AudioStream stream, float pitch)
Set pitch for audio stream (1.0 is base level)
- SetAudioStreamVolume
void SetAudioStreamVolume(AudioStream stream, float volume)
Set volume for audio stream (1.0 is max level)
- SetCameraAltControl
void SetCameraAltControl(int keyAlt)
Set camera alt key to combine with mouse movement (free camera)
- SetCameraMode
void SetCameraMode(Camera camera, int mode)
Set camera mode (multiple camera modes available)
- SetCameraMoveControls
void SetCameraMoveControls(int keyFront, int keyBack, int keyRight, int keyLeft, int keyUp, int keyDown)
Set camera move controls (1st person and 3rd person cameras)
- SetCameraPanControl
void SetCameraPanControl(int keyPan)
Set camera pan key to combine with mouse movement (free camera)
- SetCameraSmoothZoomControl
void SetCameraSmoothZoomControl(int keySmoothZoom)
Set camera smooth zoom key to combine with mouse (free camera)
- SetClipboardText
void SetClipboardText(const(char)* text)
Set clipboard text content
- SetConfigFlags
void SetConfigFlags(uint flags)
Setup init configuration flags (view FLAGS)
- SetExitKey
void SetExitKey(int key)
Set a custom key to exit program (default is ESC)
- SetGamepadMappings
int SetGamepadMappings(const(char)* mappings)
Set internal gamepad mappings (SDL_GameControllerDB)
- SetGesturesEnabled
void SetGesturesEnabled(uint flags)
Enable a set of gestures using flags
- SetMasterVolume
void SetMasterVolume(float volume)
Set master volume (listener)
- SetMaterialTexture
void SetMaterialTexture(Material* material, int mapType, Texture2D texture)
Set texture for a material map type (MATERIAL_MAP_DIFFUSE, MATERIAL_MAP_SPECULAR...)
- SetModelMeshMaterial
void SetModelMeshMaterial(Model* model, int meshId, int materialId)
- SetMouseCursor
void SetMouseCursor(int cursor)
- SetMouseOffset
void SetMouseOffset(int offsetX, int offsetY)
- SetMousePosition
void SetMousePosition(int x, int y)
- SetMouseScale
void SetMouseScale(float scaleX, float scaleY)
- SetMusicPitch
void SetMusicPitch(Music music, float pitch)
Set pitch for a music (1.0 is base level)
- SetMusicVolume
void SetMusicVolume(Music music, float volume)
Set volume for music (1.0 is max level)
- SetPixelColor
void SetPixelColor(void* dstPtr, Color color, int format)
Set color formatted into destination pixel pointer
- SetRandomSeed
void SetRandomSeed(uint seed)
Set the seed for the random number generator
- SetShaderValue
void SetShaderValue(Shader shader, int locIndex, void* value, int uniformType)
- SetShaderValueMatrix
void SetShaderValueMatrix(Shader shader, int locIndex, Matrix mat)
Set shader uniform value (matrix 4x4)
- SetShaderValueTexture
void SetShaderValueTexture(Shader shader, int locIndex, Texture2D texture)
Set shader uniform value for texture (sampler2d)
- SetShaderValueV
void SetShaderValueV(Shader shader, int locIndex, void* value, int uniformType, int count)
Set shader uniform value vector
- SetShapesTexture
void SetShapesTexture(Texture2D texture, Rectangle source)
Set texture and rectangle to be used on shapes drawing
- SetSoundPitch
void SetSoundPitch(Sound sound, float pitch)
Set pitch for a sound (1.0 is base level)
- SetSoundVolume
void SetSoundVolume(Sound sound, float volume)
Set volume for a sound (1.0 is max level)
- SetTargetFPS
void SetTargetFPS(int fps)
- SetTextureFilter
void SetTextureFilter(Texture2D texture, int filter)
Set texture scaling filter mode
- SetTextureWrap
void SetTextureWrap(Texture2D texture, int wrap)
Set texture wrapping mode
- SetTraceLogLevel
void SetTraceLogLevel(int logLevel)
Set the current threshold (minimum) log level
- SetWindowIcon
void SetWindowIcon(Image image)
Set icon for window (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
- SetWindowMinSize
void SetWindowMinSize(int width, int height)
Set window minimum dimensions (for FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE)
- SetWindowMonitor
void SetWindowMonitor(int monitor)
Set monitor for the current window (fullscreen mode)
- SetWindowPosition
void SetWindowPosition(int x, int y)
Set window position on screen (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
- SetWindowSize
void SetWindowSize(int width, int height)
- SetWindowState
void SetWindowState(uint flags)
Set window configuration state using flags
- SetWindowTitle
void SetWindowTitle(const(char)* title)
Set title for window (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
- ShowCursor
void ShowCursor()
- StopAudioStream
void StopAudioStream(AudioStream stream)
- StopMusicStream
void StopMusicStream(Music music)
- StopSound
void StopSound(Sound sound)
- StopSoundMulti
void StopSoundMulti()
Stop any sound playing (using multichannel buffer pool)
- SwapScreenBuffer
void SwapScreenBuffer()
Swap back buffer with front buffer (screen drawing)
- TakeScreenshot
void TakeScreenshot(const(char)* fileName)
Takes a screenshot of current screen (filename extension defines format)
- TextAppend
void TextAppend(char* text, const(char)* append, int* position)
Append text at specific position and move cursor!
- TextCodepointsToUTF8
char* TextCodepointsToUTF8(int* codepoints, int length)
Encode text as codepoints array into UTF-8 text string (WARNING: memory must be freed!)
- TextCopy
int TextCopy(char* dst, const(char)* src)
Copy one string to another, returns bytes copied
- TextFindIndex
int TextFindIndex(const(char)* text, const(char)* find)
Find first text occurrence within a string
- TextInsert
char* TextInsert(const(char)* text, const(char)* insert, int position)
Insert text in a position (WARNING: memory must be freed!)
- TextIsEqual
bool TextIsEqual(const(char)* text1, const(char)* text2)
Check if two text string are equal
- TextJoin
const(char)* TextJoin(char** textList, int count, const(char)* delimiter)
Join text strings with delimiter
- TextLength
uint TextLength(const(char)* text)
Get text length, checks for ' 0' ending
- TextReplace
char* TextReplace(char* text, const(char)* replace, const(char)* by)
Replace text string (WARNING: memory must be freed!)
- TextSplit
char** TextSplit(const(char)* text, char delimiter, int* count)
Split text into multiple strings
- TextSubtext
const(char)* TextSubtext(const(char)* text, int position, int length)
Get a piece of a text string
- TextToInteger
int TextToInteger(const(char)* text)
Get integer value from text (negative values not supported)
- TextToLower
const(char)* TextToLower(const(char)* text)
Get lower case version of provided string
- TextToPascal
const(char)* TextToPascal(const(char)* text)
Get Pascal case notation version of provided string
- TextToUpper
const(char)* TextToUpper(const(char)* text)
Get upper case version of provided string
- ToggleFullscreen
void ToggleFullscreen()
Toggle window state: fullscreen/windowed (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
- UnloadAudioStream
void UnloadAudioStream(AudioStream stream)
Unload audio stream and free memory
- UnloadCodepoints
void UnloadCodepoints(int* codepoints)
Unload codepoints data from memory
- UnloadFileData
void UnloadFileData(ubyte* data)
Unload file data allocated by LoadFileData()
- UnloadFileText
void UnloadFileText(char* text)
Unload file text data allocated by LoadFileText()
- UnloadFont
void UnloadFont(Font font)
Unload Font from GPU memory (VRAM)
- UnloadFontData
void UnloadFontData(GlyphInfo* chars, int glyphCount)
Unload font chars info data (RAM)
- UnloadImage
void UnloadImage(Image image)
Unload image from CPU memory (RAM)
- UnloadImageColors
void UnloadImageColors(Color* colors)
Unload color data loaded with LoadImageColors()
- UnloadImagePalette
void UnloadImagePalette(Color* colors)
Unload colors palette loaded with LoadImagePalette()
- UnloadMaterial
void UnloadMaterial(Material material)
Unload material from GPU memory (VRAM)
- UnloadMesh
void UnloadMesh(Mesh mesh)
Unload mesh data from CPU and GPU
- UnloadModel
void UnloadModel(Model model)
Unload model (including meshes) from memory (RAM and/or VRAM)
- UnloadModelAnimation
void UnloadModelAnimation(ModelAnimation anim)
- UnloadModelAnimations
void UnloadModelAnimations(ModelAnimation* animations, uint count)
Unload animation array data
- UnloadModelKeepMeshes
void UnloadModelKeepMeshes(Model model)
Unload model (but not meshes) from memory (RAM and/or VRAM)
- UnloadMusicStream
void UnloadMusicStream(Music music)
- UnloadRenderTexture
void UnloadRenderTexture(RenderTexture2D target)
Unload render texture from GPU memory (VRAM)
- UnloadShader
void UnloadShader(Shader shader)
Unload shader from GPU memory (VRAM)
- UnloadSound
void UnloadSound(Sound sound)
- UnloadTexture
void UnloadTexture(Texture2D texture)
Unload texture from GPU memory (VRAM)
- UnloadVrStereoConfig
void UnloadVrStereoConfig(VrStereoConfig config)
- UnloadWave
void UnloadWave(Wave wave)
- UnloadWaveSamples
void UnloadWaveSamples(float* samples)
Unload samples data loaded with LoadWaveSamples()
- UpdateAudioStream
void UpdateAudioStream(AudioStream stream, void* data, int frameCount)
Update audio stream buffers with data
- UpdateCamera
void UpdateCamera(Camera* camera)
Update camera position for selected mode
- UpdateMeshBuffer
void UpdateMeshBuffer(Mesh mesh, int index, void* data, int dataSize, int offset)
Update mesh vertex data in GPU for a specific buffer index
- UpdateModelAnimation
void UpdateModelAnimation(Model model, ModelAnimation anim, int frame)
Update model animation pose
- UpdateMusicStream
void UpdateMusicStream(Music music)
Updates buffers for music streaming
- UpdateSound
void UpdateSound(Sound sound, void* data, int sampleCount)
Update sound buffer with new data
- UpdateTexture
void UpdateTexture(Texture2D texture, void* pixels)
Update GPU texture with new data
- UpdateTextureRec
void UpdateTextureRec(Texture2D texture, Rectangle rec, void* pixels)
Update GPU texture rectangle with new data
- UploadMesh
void UploadMesh(Mesh* mesh, bool dynamic)
Upload mesh vertex data in GPU and provide VAO/VBO ids
- WaitTime
void WaitTime(float ms)
Wait for some milliseconds (halt program execution)
- WaveCopy
Wave WaveCopy(Wave wave)
Copy a wave to a new wave
- WaveCrop
void WaveCrop(Wave* wave, int initSample, int finalSample)
Crop a wave to defined samples range
- WaveFormat
void WaveFormat(Wave* wave, int sampleRate, int sampleSize, int channels)
Convert wave data to desired format
- WindowShouldClose
bool WindowShouldClose()
Check if KEY_ESCAPE pressed or Close icon pressed